We are devils and black sheep.....really bad eggs......
Drink up my hearties yo ho!!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010


A gust of wind catches my hair,
Spreads it upon my forehead,
Stupidity looms and ideas jump like a hare,
I drift in my dreams, on my bed.

The window is open, the world is bright,
I feel the urge to fly away,
And see the world in its true light.

I seem to be soaring past the clouds,
The air is cold and it chills my bone,
I am flushed with pleasure and shout aloud.

The city seems to be silent below,
The sun is already dozing,
The world seems to be tired and shallow.

Birds are returning to their nests,
Everybody seems to be retiring for the day,
I am flying as if I am on a quest.

I reflect upon myself, who am I?
Am I a commoner, doomed to toil,
Or, am I destined to rise and not be shy???

My past actions seem justified enough,
It is right for me to erase the memories,
I am looking forward to enhance my treasuries.

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