We are devils and black sheep.....really bad eggs......
Drink up my hearties yo ho!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


How will I face myself when I look into the  mirror?
How can I withstand the fiery gaze of my eyes?
When I think of the events of the last 2 days,
I deeply regret my words of fury and lies!

Who will look, to check if I am hurt or not?
Who cares if I live life or just survive?
My battered heart does not beat wholeheartedly,
Yet fury, mingled with grief, patrols my heart, difficult to revive.

None dare to pass the shadowy world into my heart,
Like the jagged peaks of mountains, bald and stony,
I am a heartless person, as they say,
I roam the streets of fear, like a man sans money.

I feel a pang of pain, my flesh burns against my skin,
A red-hot iron pin stabs my covered chest,
A jolt tightens in my stomach, tears race to trickle down,
My self-control is faltering, against it I can wrest.

I have hurt her numerous times I accept it,
Each time, my pain I keep it inside myself,
Burning the insides of a heartless wretch,
I cant express myself properly, I am as timid as an elf.

I love her and she knows it even more than I do,
Yet she tests my patience sometime,
I do not complain because I don’t have a right to,
Since she’s not mine as she says betimes.

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